FirstClass is an integrated E-mail, conferencing and online service system designed to provide advanced group communications features. Its graphical user interface is available via phone lines or over an AppleTalk network. Users will be impressed by the speed and ease of use of this unique system.
• Installing the FirstClass™ Demo
This demonstration package will allow you to try out almost all of the features of FirstClass, and must be run on a Macintosh Plus or better. You will need about 2.5Mb of free space on your hard disk to install the demo. Once installed, the demo and its associated files will occupy about 1.5Mb. Once installed, the demo is completely self-contained; you do not need a modem or a network to use the demo.
In order to provide an extensive demo, FirstClass must first create a few files and initialize some of them. To do this, please follow these instructions:
1a) If the demo is on a floppy diskette then copy the folder “FirstClass™ Demo” to your hard disk.
1b) If the demo has been downloaded in compressed form (“FirstClass™ Demo.sea”) , copy it to your hard drive and double click on it to automatically decompress. This will create a folder named “FirstClass™ Demo”.
2) Next, double click on the application "Install FirstClass™ Demo", or use Open from the Finder. This application will create a demo system on the drive of your choice under a folder named “FirstClass Demo Post Office”.
3) Once the installation is complete, you can start the application named “FirstClass™ Demo” for a demonstration of FirstClass. The demo is setup as an example system, which you can explore. For more details, see “How to use the FirstClass™ Demo” below or simply login and try the system.
• How to use the FirstClass™ Demo.
Welcome to FirstClass™, SoftArc's powerful integrated communications system. FirstClass provides electronic mail, conferencing and file sharing all in one easy to use package. The FirstClass™ Demo allows you to experience the FirstClass Communications System without requiring a modem or Network. You can try out both the user and administration software. FirstClass works just like the Apple Finder®; double click on conferences, folders and messages to open them.
We have configured the demo as a combination of systems with setups which might be found in business, educational or hobby environments. Depending on your requirements, you can login using of the following UserIDs:
Business A typical business environent
Education An educational environment
Hobby A personal or hobby (BBS) system
Since this is a demo, we have not assigned a password to any of these accounts. Just type the appropriate name into the User ID box of the FirstClass login window, and press the Login button. In order to keep the demo a reasonable size, many of the conferences are empty. Look for conferences which have an unread flag beside them, indicating that the conference contains some new items.
To try out the administration features of FirstClass, login with a User ID of admin. You may add/delete users and conferences and use most of the administrative features of a real FirstClass system.
• A Guide to the Demo System
After reading this message you may close it, and the How to Use the Demo conference. We suggest that all users begin by opening the News conference, and reading the messages inside. After that open the Conferences folder and read the items in About FirstClass.
Open the Document Library to try out FirstClass's extensive search capabilities. Explore the possibilities of publishing CD-ROMs and hard drives on your FirstClass system by opening the CD-ROMs Online conference.
Find out about the Internet and Usenet newgroups by opening Usenet Newsgroups.
Although different user accounts have been customized , all of the demo conferences also appear in the Conferences folder, and are grouped according to the environment they might be used in. Browse these areas to understand how conferencing works, and how it can benefit you.
• Remote Access
If you have a modem you can also use this demo program to log in to our own corporate FirstClass system, SoftArc Online. The number is (416) 609-2250, and further details are in the document named "SoftArc Online".
• Removing the Demo from your hard drive
To free the space taken up by the demo, drag the folders named “FirstClass™ Demo” and “FirstClass Demo Post Office” to the trash and empty the trash. You may install it again later if you wish. The demo does not expire.
• Ordering Information
For pricing and further information, please contact our sales/support dept. at:
SoftArc Inc.
805 Middlefield Rd., #102
Scarborough, Ontario
Tel: (416) 299-4723
FAX: (416) 754-1856
FirstClass: (416) 609-2250
AppleLink: CDA0674
CompuServe: 70511,2065
America Online: SoftArc
Internet: maury_markowitz@magicbb.uucp
If you are using a FirstClass server with a gateway to SoftArcOnline, our corporate FirstClass system, then send mail to: